Monday, June 23, 2008

El Bravo

8338 N. 7th Street
Phoenix, AZ

So it is finally time to introduce all of you to this quiet, little joint deep in the heart of Central Phoenix, which means, don't let the neighborhood scare you. Right in this little pocket of not-so-niceness, the food is remarkable, and I go at least once a week to satisfy a serious craving! Their tortilla chips and salsa are noteworthy, but probably the most outstanding thing in their restaurant has got to be their enchilada sauce. AMAZING!!! Service is so-so, but always served with a smile, the family owned joint is never a disappointment.

I always order the #14 with a cheese enchilada, rice and beans. One time, I included a beef tamale, and I was a little disappointed because there were olives in the tamale, and I don't really like olives. Patrick has not stopped talking about the chicken chimichanga since we ate there two weeks ago. The outside was crispy and deep fried, but the inside remained soft and delicious!!! He is looking for the perfect day to take his entire office there.

The cinnamon cookies, that apparently have a specific name that I am unaware of, are AMAZING!!!

People have been talking about this place forever: the girls that I used to baby-sit for swear by it, preschool moms, and close friends. I am so happy that I finally go to experience the BEST Mexican food in Phoenix. I used to think Valle Luna had it, now, I just think Valle Luna has really good bean dip!


Micaila said...

I have heard that this place was great, and had always been scared to try it because it looks ghetto. I will have to give it a try...